Stay connected with the Church Center App!
Our 3 Step Process:
1. Just scan the QR code in the video below. This is our Digital Connect Card that we invite you to fill out and submit. This is important so that your information is registered in our back end portal. Once you finish then you may proceed with the next step.
2. Download the Church Center App with your iOS or Android device. After downloading the app, open it and follow the onscreen prompts. Choose C7 Church in the options to get started! After you are in the app then proceed to the final step!
3. Get Engaged! Fill out your profile, look through our calendar, and request to join a group if you would like. You're invited! If you are looking to sign up for any HUB classes then click on Signups at the bottom right and the current class will be available to click on. Can't wait to see you there!
Watch the video below for assistance getting set up!